"Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some
and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some."

Robert Fulghum

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It is time to resolve for the year that is new!!

It's time to resolve for the year that is new!!... Yep!! It's New Year's Resolution Time!! WOOT!!... Which will survive into the year's end??? ;D

1. WHOLE FOOD DEDICATION TIME: Yup. It's time to make it official: NO MORE PROCESSED ANYTHING!.. easier said than done but worth a valiant effort!! I won't be making this my "religion" so to speak; and by cutting out processed crap and eating whole foods, I do NOT necessarily mean "organic or not at all!" either... Afterall, a non-organic potato for mashing IS far better than "potatoes" that come from a box, right?! ;) This is just a written in digital ink commitment to a more healthy, wholesome eating lifestyle for myself and the fam! WOOTS TO THAT!!

2. WRITING! I will not just FIND time to write, in its many avenues of self-expression; I will SCHEDULE time to do so!! Yes, this WILL be done!... I hope! :)

3. SELFLESS ACTS OF KINDNESS!! I am dedicating myself to the conscious decision of kindness in all things... The old or pregnant or hurried lady pushing the empty cart back to the store?? If I am able, I will take it for her.. The person at the register scrambling to find the few bucks they are short from being able to pay and leave with their dignity intact will find those dollars in my hand.. (This means that I had better start CARRYING a few dollars in cash on me!! ;) The residents at the local nursing home who do not have a visitor will now have me visiting them at least once every two weeks with my goal being once a week, every week.. etc.. I typically do similar random acts of kindness if the circumstances permit but without even thinking about it like most of us do, I hope.. This is a conscious decision to actively seek being kind to others, even and especially "strangers".. No: I will not be picking up hitch hikers!! ;)

4. MINIMIZE!! Okay... this is going to be tough for me as I am emotionally attached to.. everything! Ha!! Seriously. I will actually go through the mass of chaos that comes in countless box form which lives in our garage... I will then rid ourselves of all that is CRAP, sell what I can, then donate the rest.. I will purge our closets, even the ones that house many, many a'toy... Yes, this will be the year of toy reckoning and subsequent better appreciation for fewer had..!! Bye-Bye perpetually messy floors!!.. (I hope!! ;).. Basically, I want to do away with the "maybe someday in a far off distant land of usefulness I might maybe probably not ever use this" stuff... I might shed a tear (or have a coronary!) but really want and NEED to get this done!! Ideally, after all is said and done, every little scrippit of things that we own will have its very own little organized Martha Stewart madness inspired "home" within our home and will be easily found on a whim with a moments notice.. "Oh! You need vintage twine from the 60's to tie that bundle of newspaper for your (imagined) Beverly Cleary Henry Huggins inspired paper route of long lost bike peddling days tradition???... Oh, why that's right here!!" (clack-clack-clack from my super awesome heels on my freshly polished, toy-free floors....)..... hahahaha??? One can dream, right?!! Yes: dreaming IS allowed and welcome in my world!! :)

SO.. What's next??.. I'd say that's a mighty fine starting off point for the new year myself!! Who says that you need one list in its finality at the beginning of the year?? As for me, I will add to it as necesssary throughout!... Cheers!!

Now, to get to it.. In my best "old man voice": ONWARD & UPWARD, LADIES AND GENTS!! ;)

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